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Navigating Cloud Security & Compliance: Insights from SecureKloud’s Delhi CIO Roundtable 2023

SecureKloud recently hosted an insightful CIO Roundtable in Delhi, focused on discussing the evolving landscape of cloud security and compliance. Hosted in collaboration with CIO Klub and Amazon Web Services (AWS), this event brought together CIOs, IT leaders, and experts from various industries to explore the challenges and opportunities presented by cloud technologies. Let’s take a look at the key takeaways from this engaging event.

Fostering a Digital Community: The CIO Klub’s Inspiring Introduction

The event began with an illuminating introduction by Bimal Puri, from CIO Klub, emphasizing the organization’s mission to build a community of like-minded professionals dedicated to discussing and advancing technological innovations. With chapters spanning the nation and beyond, the CIO Klub’s impact on India’s digital landscape is undeniable.

A Holistic Approach to Cloud Security – Insights from Srinivas Mahankali

Srinivas Mahankali, SecureKloud’s Chief Business Officer, highlighted a crucial perspective in his speech. He emphasized the need to derive actionable insights from smart technologies and abundant data. As the demand for on-demand, secure, and scalable applications surges, legacy infrastructure, and data applications become targets for malicious hackers. Srinivas underlined the shared responsibility of organizations and CIOs in modernizing security in the cloud. He also pointed to the challenges posed by skills shortages in effectively managing this modernized security landscape. Srinivas delved into SecureKloud’s innovative strategies, leveraging Infrastructure-as-a-Code platform and automation to scale security solutions.

Panel Discussion – Future-Proofing Cloud Security

The panel discussion, expertly moderated by Anand Kumar, Chief Revenue Officer at SecureKloud Technologies, ignited a dynamic discourse on the trajectory of cloud security. Kicking off the conversation was Amit Singh, Senior Solutions Architect at AWS, who delved into AWS’s integral role within the shared responsibility model. With an illuminating spotlight on accountability, Amit emphasized the division of security responsibilities between users and AWS. He adeptly elucidated how AWS shoulders the crucial responsibility of safeguarding infrastructure and applications, while users retain ownership of their security within the cloud. Amit’s insights resonated as he highlighted the significance of understanding the precise contours of one’s security responsibilities and effectively leveraging the spectrum of services at AWS’s disposal for fortified authentication and data protection.

Anand Kumar directed a question to Binod Singh, Chairman of the Board & President at Cross Identity, delving into effective measures for cyber threat mitigation. Binod outlined three ways of reshaping the way we work with security today. Firstly, organizations migrating to the cloud often lack expertise necessitating skilful cloud and infrastructure management under the shared responsibility model. Secondly, digital supply chains’ growing impact over the past decade has raised security stakes. Thirdly, remote work, accelerated by the pandemic, has heightened security and identity management needs.

Binod Singh passionately embraced the era of “Context-Based Security,” a transformative paradigm shaped by expertise, digital supply chains, and the surge in remote work. He strongly advocated for the innovative concept of “Converged Identity and Access” Management, a concept put forth by Gartner ,” which integrates identity and access management into a unified, code-based product. This approach seamlessly merges access management, identity governance and administration (management of human and synthetic identities), and privileged access users. In a landscape where these aspects often remain separate, Binod highlighted the powerful effectiveness of Identity-First Security. This holistic strategy emerges as a robust defence in today’s dynamic cybersecurity landscape, addressing the complexities of modern security challenges. He also discussed strategies for overcoming obstacles related to entitlement/authorization management.

Binod Singh further underscored the value of Cross Identity in synergy with SecureKloud’s solutions. He highlighted the potential of combining Cross Identity’s offerings with the converged benefits of IAM provided by SecureKloud. This combination holds immense potential for organizations, amplifying their security posture and ushering in comprehensive IAM advantages. The collaboration between Cross Identity and SecureKloud promises a potent approach to bolstering organizational security and ushering in an era of enhanced IAM effectiveness.

Wrapping up the panel discussions following the illuminating insights shared by Amit and Binod, Anand Kumar highlighted the vital importance of understanding the cloud security model. He emphasized the need for an identity-first strategy, underlining its pivotal role in establishing a strong zero-trust security framework within the realm of cloud transformation.

Anand Kumar extended a warm invitation to Col (Dr.) Inderjeet Singh, Chief Cyber Officer at Vara Technologies, to address the intricate landscape of security threats and effective cybersecurity measures.

Col (Dr.) Inderjeet Singh revealed a stark truth, shedding light on the unsettling rise of ransomware incidents, occurring every 11 seconds and projected to escalate to every 3 seconds by 2030, according to studies. He defied the notion of a secure “golden perimeter,” emphasizing the universal susceptibility. In response, he highlighted the vital role of Attack Surface Management, advocating a vigilant approach involving round-the-clock monitoring, from inward out to outward in. This strategy stands as an indispensable defense against the looming threat.

During the discussion, Col (Dr.) Singh also drew attention to a critical disparity. He pointed out that while regulatory compliance is well-established in North America and Europe, India still lacks a robust cybersecurity policy. He highlighted the significance of regulatory bodies providing guidance to organizations, ensuring the establishment of secure and compliant infrastructures that remain continuously safeguarded. In India, the need for a comprehensive cybersecurity policy remains a pressing concern.

Anand Kumar directed a question to Srinivas Mahankali, inquiring about the role of the cloud in facilitating the transition from Web 2.0 to Web 3.0.

Srinivas Mahankali highlighted the transformative potential of blockchain and distributed ledger technology. He emphasized that these technologies center around trust, which is verifiable over time, rendering data incredibly immutable and reliable. Furthermore, they introduce an additional layer of identity access authorization and authentication, bolstering security and enhancing the transition to Web 3.0. Srinivas’s perspective on the shift from Web 2.0 to Web 3.0, powered by blockchain technology, resonated strongly with attendees. He highlighted the transformative potential of blockchain in enhancing data security and trust across industries.

Srinivas Mahankali addressed the misconception in India that associates blockchain only with cryptocurrencies, emphasizing its broader potential. He highlighted blockchain’s transformative role in E-commerce and logistics, underlining its strategic integration in these sectors. As blockchain’s impact grows, its potential to reshape various industries becomes clear.

Empowering Enterprises: Anand Kumar’s Vision – India has Crossed from Why to How Cloud

Anand Kumar took the stage to delve into a crucial topic: “How organizations can overcome common challenges in the cloud transformation journey through an integrated approach to security and compliance.” His session illuminated SecureKloud’s instrumental role in steering enterprises through cloud challenges. He spotlighted the company’s successful collaborations with major pharmaceutical giants and highly regulated industries, illustrating how SecureKloud has been instrumental in surmounting these challenges.

“Cloud is not just a migration; it’s a transformation. If you bring your same data center practices in the cloud, you are doomed to fail.”

In the domain of cloud transformation, the triad of security, governance, and compliance assumes paramount importance. The trajectory of cloud transformation revolves around taking an integrated approach to infrastructure modernization, application modernization, and data modernization while keeping in mind security, governance, and compliance.

Anand Kumar championed an “identity-first” approach as the cornerstone of a robust zero-trust environment in the cloud. He stressed that these principles should be driven by the potency of automation and hyper automation, complemented by orchestrated endeavours in cloud access management and entitlement management.

Emphasizing the significance of a cloud-first strategy, Anand underscored the imperative for enterprises to prioritize security. Despite a significant portion (67%) of enterprise infrastructure being cloud-based, he cautioned against complacency. Looking forward, Anand Kumar envisioned exponential growth, similar to a “hockey stick,” for cloud adoption in India. He advocated a clear pivot toward a cloud-first strategy within the next two years.

Anand Kumar highlighted a significant insight from Gartner, pointing out that a remarkable 99% of cloud security failures can be attributed to customer actions. This raises a critical query: How can organizations effectively identify and address misconfigurations?

Anand Kumar emphasized the pivotal role of customer responsibility in upholding robust cloud security. He placed significant stress on the need for comprehensive visibility, advising organizations to cultivate a holistic perspective. This broader outlook empowers proactive detection and mitigation of potential threats, effectively fortifying cloud infrastructure against vulnerabilities.

In the context of cloud transformation, Anand Kumar presented the shift from SysOps to DevOps, with an ultimate aim of advancing to the NoOps model through hyper automation. He also emphasized how Securekloud assists customers through a hyperautomation approach, guiding them from a secure and compliant state to achieving ongoing Cloud security and compliance.

Anand Kumar underscored the imperative of a “security by design” approach and the foundational principle of zero trust. He emphasized that harnessing automation-enabled strategies is pivotal in safeguarding workloads within multi-cloud or hybrid cloud environments.

AWS’s Security Spectrum – Insights from Amit Singh

Amit Kumar illuminated the pivotal role of AWS in the shared responsibility model and its profound impact on organizations’ security. He underscored AWS’s unwavering commitment to the highest standards of privacy and data security.

Amit elaborated on AWS’s extensive offerings, citing 32 services with hundreds of features in each. He highlighted the seamless management of Single Sign-On (SSO), logins, and authentication through AWS’s robust authentication systems. Furthermore, Amit emphasized AWS’s robust ecosystem of partners and solutions, particularly in the realm of security. This comprehensive network empowers organizations with a diverse array of resources to bolster their security posture.

He also introduced a practical perspective on security, transcending the boundaries of data canters and cloud environments. He emphasized the essence of real-world implementation, urging organizations to ensure security is seamlessly woven into their operational fabric.

During the interactive Q&A segment, Amit Kumar adeptly fielded audience inquiries, delving into effective cloud security measures facilitated by AWS. His responses were illuminating, unveiling how AWS’s robust solutions and frameworks empower organizations to navigate the intricate landscape of cloud security. Amit Kumar’s insights conveyed a clear path to cultivating a resilient and fortified cloud environment, demonstrating AWS’s pivotal role in this endeavour.

A Fusion of Culture and Conversation

The event’s immersive experience extended beyond the conference room. Attendees were treated to a captivating musical performance from Shrivant Singh and Shri Sanjay Singh, setting the stage for a convivial dinner and cocktail session. Amidst the harmonious blend of culture and networking, attendees found time for insightful conversations and connections.

Echoes of Success and Enriched Perspectives

As the event drew to a close, the resounding positive feedback from attendees echoed the event’s success. Attendees left with enriched perspectives on cloud security, compliance, and the transformative potential of cloud technology. The SecureKloud CIO Roundtable served as a testament to the power of collaboration, knowledge sharing, and a collective commitment to a secure digital future.

In conclusion, the SecureKloud CIO Roundtable not only illuminated the complexities and opportunities of cloud security but also ignited a spark of inspiration and innovation among the attendees. As the digital landscape continues to evolve, events like these serve as beacons guiding us towards a secure and empowered tomorrow.

Kesaveram M P

Kesaveram M P

A marketing technology expert with a deep understanding of the cloud computing landscape. He has over 6 years of experience helping companies leverage cloud-based solutions and technologies and achieve their business objectives. Through his blogs, Kesaveram shares insights and practical tips on cloud computing, marketing automation, and digital transformation.

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